Frequently Asked Questions

Here's a list of common questions about how we think and work.

What technologies do you specialize in?

At Appkit we use a full spectrum of technologies to offer the best tool for the job, whether it is backend, frontend or mobile development.

For web applications our primary technology is Ruby on Rails combined with one of two modern JavaScript frameworks: Angular or React. As an alternative to Ruby on Rails we use Go or Elixir to construct scalable microservices.

Our own SaaS codebeat is a blend of Ruby on Rails elements combined with Go and Elixir in the backend.

For mobile projects we specialize in iOS development: Our general approach is to develop native apps in Swift but for certain projects where there might be a fit we can also offer multi platform development in React Native.

What is your pricing model?

We work on a Time and Materials based pricing model. This means that our customers pay us by the hour of work spent on the project. The amount of hours in a certain period is equal to the bill that you will be getting from us.

Time and Materials lets us work with a true agile software development approach and it allows for changes and fixes to the scope during the development cycle. This helps us to be flexible and open to insights, data and modifications which in the end run means that the product we deliver is the most optimal solution.

What budget do I need to build an app?

A typical engagement for an MVP starts at around 25.000 USD: Such a budget gives a full-product team of minimum 2 engineers, a project manager, a designer and a tester 2-3 months time to deliver the first version of your app.

As every project is different the above figure is just an indicator, we encourage you to contact us to get your free estimate!

Do you provide any warranty on your apps?

We take full responsibility for the code that we have written: If a client finds a bug that blocks the product from performing within 3 months of release we will fix it as soon as possible.

The warranty does not include change requests, implementation or modification of features in the app. For projects that have been released we offer a custom maintenance package of a certain amount of hours every month that include bug fixes and changes to the application.

What differentiates you from other software development agencies?

There are three things that we put emphasis on when we communicate our proposition to our clients:

  • Reliable Partnership - Our mindset is to build, maintain and grow products and with it comes the full engagement, passion and responsibility for your app. We are not just a subcontractor to write the code, we are your future partner to success.
  • Startup Experience - Running our own venture codebeat (a successful SaaS for automated code reviews) has helped us understand the complex startup environment better. With help of this experience we can understand your strategy and motivation better than your typical team of developers.
  • Technical Expertise - Apart from being on the market for 8 years our interest in new and advanced technologies go far beyond that. We have hands on experience with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and we constantly learn new things by experimenting internally with new solutions (read the blog post about our Self-Driving car here).

What is the benefit of using you instead of hiring my own team?

Startups, especially those in the early stage do not need to focus on hiring an own dev team. The effort should be in finding a scalable business model and to find a good product market fit. According to Steve Blank, a startup is “an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” Technology is only a tool used to achieve that.

Other benefits to consider when leaving product design and development with Appkit:

The risk that the developer or designer that you hire is a wrong fit is eliminated. We take all the risk to recruit the right people and deliver your product.

Recruitment processes of developers often take time and often there is a shortage of skilled developers available: with us you can start quickly and ramp up the team even quicker to get to market faster.

Over 8 years of experience and work with many startups has given us an edge when it comes to finding the right team to build a fully functioning product. No risk of having idle developers. If you want to ramp down development for a certain period that is fine with us.