Multi platform development in React Native

Build your Proof of Concept, MVP or simple app using one code

Nowadays when building a mobile app you should consider supporting two platforms: iOS and Android. Doing this you have to have at least two developers that specialize in two languages and the final result of the development are two apps. What if there was an alternative to this? There is: Meet React Native.

Why development in React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework that allows a JavaScript developer to write two mobile apps (iOS and Android) using the same codebase thus using less resources than in native development. Here are a few reasons why React Native might be the choice for your app:

Time and Budget

The obvious advantage is that less time is used to build an iOS and Android app in React Native than when developing two native apps. Less time means less money which essentially means that an app written in React Native should be less costly than a native app.

Facebook Support

Behind React Native is Facebook, which means that it is a well developed and thought through technology with a lot of support and a perspective of evolution when looking at the future. This has made React Native the most promising hybrid approach for a long time.


In theory a developer that knows JavaScript can learn React Native quite easily. The fact that JavaScript is the number one language for web frontends means that there are a lot of JavaScript developers out there so the ability to maintain and build out a React Native app is very good.

What apps are good in React Native?

So far so good! However we still recommend this approach only for a certain type of apps as the technology is somewhat limited and pretty new on the market.

Proof of Concept

Looking to build a pilot app to prove your point to investors or to test the waters? Want to cover two platforms at once? In such a situation it is feasible to construct a Proof of Concept using React Native to save time and money.

Basic MVP

Startup beginnings are often harsh in terms of budget. On the other side time to market is vital to find the right product-market fit and to get traction for your app. Often, first versions can be built using a framework such as React Native to start making money or to prove a point to investors.

Simple Apps

Apps that do not have many features, handle big loads of data or include functions that use the phone’s hardware can be a good match for React Native, remember the rule of thumb: The more advanced an app, the better the fit for native development.

When is React Native not a good choice?

Appkit recommends using native development as a long term solution for app development. There are not yet technologies that can threaten mobile apps that are written in their dedicated language.

To make sure the user experience and speed of a mobile app is top notch there is really no other choice than using development in Swift for iOS or Java/Kotlin for Android. Tests show that native apps are still more performant and well polished than hybrid apps. See our iOS Development in Swift services here.

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See the benefits of building your iOS and Android app using one codebase with React Native.