Rapid Product Development with Ruby on Rails

All ideas are hypotheses that need to be tested, the faster the better

The advantages of Ruby lay in the fact that it has a huge community of developers and a very wide variety of open source code created, making it easy to learn and very fast to use, expanding the user base even further. It is a powerful language in any type of web backend, no matter how complex.

Why consider RoR for your Startup?

Solutions that don't solve problems aren't solutions. That is why we recommend Ruby on Rails development: it allows your startup to iterate and find a good product / market fit so that your app can get traction as soon as it is possible.

Rapid Development

Speed of product development is the biggest competitive advantage of Ruby on Rails. Rails is developed to support rapid application development in accordance to design patterns and best practices in software development. The ease of accommodating changes makes this framework the best pick for fast application development.


Rails has been around for a very long time. People might even consider it to be old school but when it comes to building robust products nothing is better than proven methods. On the other hand the creators were never afraid of using the latest trends and that spirit still lives on in the community, making the end result a good mix between robustness and innovation.

Wonderful Community

Ruby on Rails has a massive community of enthusiasts that constantly improve features and make sure that the framework is in excellent condition. Because of this it is easy to learn, making it popular among Junior and Senior developers that assure the community grows and contributes even more, creating a wonderful snowball effect.

How we’ve helped our clients 🚀

Over the years we’ve helped many startups to turn ideas into products. Mostly, we’ve built MVPs based on Ruby on Rails and then built them out over time using dedicated microservices.

  • Dawanda

    This German marketplace with over 320.000 designers and sellers needed a custom made CMS so that their team of content creators could create articles and tutorials for their planned DIY section. We took on the job and Ruby on Rails was the perfect alternative to deliver an easy-to-use system in a very short timeframe.

    web development for dawanda
  • Kredytmarket

    Automated credit scores for SMBs based on user information and behaviour already available online? KredytMarket has been awarded the ecommerce innovation of the year award in India and admitted millions in loans during the first year of operation. Thanks to RoR we could rapidly build a web-service oriented architecture that mainly uses microservices built in Rails for data analysis.

    kredytmarket fintech software development company
  • Foundersuite

    The goal of this app is to provide startup founders with a tool to fundraise, launch and scale their companies. Under the hood is a complex Ruby on Rails based backend with a validation system, custom CRM, progress tracker and template bundles. Today Foundersuite is a well-oiled mechanism that has been featured in TechCrunch and VentureBeat.

    ruby on rails development company for foundersuite
  • Selecthub

    Just like SelectHub allows users to find the best software for their company, the founders of this startup wanted to build and release their product as fast as possible, so that they could validate their idea on the market and build out or pivot based on their findings. Ruby on Rails and its rapid development was the perfect fit for the job.

    ruby on rails development India for selecthub

When Rails isn't a good fit

We at Appkit are polyglot engineers that master many technologies. We can help building your app in Go or Elixir as well!


It’s good to have more than one alternative in your toolbox: Go or Elixir/Phoenix make more sense for projects that handle a lot of traffic or data. Scalable APIs for mobile applications and services that need to handle a lot of data such as chat and email tools should be built using microservices for easier and better scaling.

Contact us to get your startup from zero to one!

As time is of the essence we will get back to you asap with a plan to get your project flying!