Frontend development
in React and Angular

Tailor made JavaScript development for web applications

JavaScript development, primarily in Angular and React is the current standard of making responsive web applications. It is hard to imagine using other tools for the job and that is why we make sure that we master both frameworks at an expert level.

Powerful frameworks

Angular and React development is the most common and structured choice when selecting a framework to build frontend of web apps. Both are backed by strong companies and have a plethora of solutions that makes development more powerful.


The other obvious choice to create web apps is Angular. This framework is backed and heavily used by Google which makes development in Angular a very popular choice with a lot of potential help from the strong community. We recommend using Angular development for large and complex applications that blend together JavaScript and HTML/CSS.


Angular is very built out and strict in how an application should be built and therefore large teams will find it easier to cooperate and collaborate.


Thanks to the many rules and features it is very easy to plan and construct exactly what was intended.


Angular allows you to build applications and reuse your code making it a perfect choice for both web and mobile.


If you are looking for a React development company you’ve come to the right place! We have a team of JavaScript developers that specialize in this framework. Created by Facebook, React is a very good approach if you want to build beautiful and intuitive interfaces. It is a battle tested framework and is therefore being used in services such as Netflix, Dropbox and Facebook.


Development in React offers great possibilities of out-of-the-box solutions meaning that you can customize a project in full.


React is the most popular JavaScript framework which means that the community is big with a lot of support by Facebook itself.


This framework uses Virtual DOM which has a big impact on the User Experience. Apps built in React are smooth and responsive.

Our apps built in JavaScript 🚀

We have used development in Angular or React to create a plethora of responsive web applications. Below is a selection of some of the most interesting ones.

  • SoBo

    SoBo, a norwegian community for fashion lovers where you can rent designer clothes and accessories is a project where the focus on a well-oiled and beautiful interface is in the very centre. With this purpose in mind we selected React, which is the framework for great interfaces.

    react development for sobo
  • Octane

    Octane is a system for managing and maintaining co-working spaces and locations in the United States. Due to the big scale of the project and the many features included we decided to use Angular, as the many benefits of this framework occur when building large scale apps.

    angular development for octane
  • Kredytmarket

    KredytMarket is a platform that provides loans for small and medium sized business. The main concern when choosing a technologies for this project was security and stability. When it comes to frontend best choice is Angular. It's constantly developed by google which ensures a proper stability and also has a lot of build in functionalities that are very useful for big scale projects.

    angular development for kredytmarket

JavaScript for mobile?

JavaScript can be used not only to build web applications. Development of mobile apps for iOS and Android using one codebase saves a lot of time and costs.

For simpler mobile apps Appkit offers development in React Native. This framework, created and maintained by Facebook allows us to write one code for two platforms (iOS and Android) is perfect for building MVPs, Proof of Concepts and simpler mobile apps.

Start working on your web app today!

Contact us and we will setup a call to get your product description for our estimate.